Fair Food Network’s Double Up Food Bucks Program
Overview: The Fair Food Network needed help to brand, grow and generate participation in its Double Up Food Bucks program, which provides healthier food access to low-income families by doubling the amount of money they can spend in farmers markets. McConnell Communications developed an approach to bolster the agency’s outreach efforts, assisted with development and implementation of earned media (publicity), created radio advertisements and placed media buy (ads), both locally as well as across the state.
Outcome: The program that began in five locations in Detroit now operates in 150 across the state. Michigan SNAP participants have spent more than $7 million in combined SNAP and Double Up Food Bucks in participating markets and farm-direct retail since 2010 and have bought more than 4 million pounds of healthy fresh produce.
Reference: Oran Hesterman, Fair Food Network President/CEO,